Kiwifruit Research
Independent research into the efficacy of AgriSea Soil and Foliar products was conducted by ECO Soils Research, five Bay of Plenty kiwifruit orchards were enrolled in the study over a period of three years.
Benefits to growers:
10% added value for the grower.
Improved fruit firmness during coolstorage.
Improved post coolstorage shelf life.
Reduced the number of new season canes lost due to wind damage (blow-outs).
Encouraged more new canes to grow adjacent to, and from the main leader.
Reduced the incidence of coolstorage pitting.
Increased the calcium content of the fruit.
Reduced the nitrogen/calcium ratio in the fruit.
Increased the fruit weight at harvest.
Increased the percentage of 22 count size fruit.
Increased the number of Earthworms in the soil.
Fruit Firmness
The scientific significance of the differences found between the seaweed treatments and controls presented here was in the range of p0.10 to p0.01. Many of the findings were highly significant, i.e., between 99% and 99.99% probability. Three-year improved average.
Fruit Firmness following 6 Months Coolstorage
For this part of the study, fruit harvested from each plot was sampled and packed into trays arranged at random on pallets and cool stored. After cool storage, the trays were stored for 36 hours in ambient room temperature and inspected. A penetrometer tested for firmness (see graph).
Reduction in Coolstore Pitting
Following coolstorage, all fruit were inspected for the incidence of coolstorage pitting. The chart shows the mean values for percentage pitting found. The soil treatment showed a reduction of 13%. The foliar reduced pitting by 38% and the Soil & Foliar by 49%.
Coolstore Pitting
Calcium in the fruit was the single element to show the most significant differences arising from the seaweed applications. Fruit from the Soil-only and Foliar-only treatments had 9% more calcium than the control, while the Soil & Foliar treatment was found to contain 11% more calcium.
Increase in Fruit Calcium
Reduction in Shelf Life-Rots, Softs and Firm
A sub-sample of the coolstored fruit was held for a further 14 days at ambient room temperature. The samples were then inspected for percentage rots, softs, and firm (eating quality).
Post-Coolstore Shelf-Life
The soil treatment showed a reduction of 20%. The foliar treatment showed rots to be reduced by 37%, and the combined Soil & Foliar treatment reduced incidence of rots by 50%.
The soil treatment showed a 15% reduction of soft fruit. The foliar reduced soft fruit by 30%, and the Soil & Foliar by 32%.
Firm (eating quality)
The soil treatment increased the percentage of firm fruit by 43%, the foliar by 79%, and the Soil & Foliar by 95%.